The benefits of installing solar panels & battery storage at home
It is possible to heat your home without the need of a gas-powered boiler. Air source heat pumps are a clean, green, renewable energy solution using air rather than using fuel from other sources.
A renewable energy source, heat pumps don’t emit any greenhouse gases or other air pollutants, which doesn’t only bring down the cost of your energy bills – it reduces the carbon footprint of your household.
The simplest way to understand how a heat pump works, is to think of your household fridge – but in reverse. Your fridge extracts warm air and cools it so your fridge stays fresh; heat pumps extract external air and warms it through to heat your home and hot water.
A clean source of energy, for every one kilowatt of electricity used you will enjoy up to four kilowatts of heat.
As it is a very sustainable source, you can benefit from an air source heat pump for years to come. Even if you sell your home, house-hunters are increasingly seeking cleaner, more sustainable homes and so heat pumps are much more appealing.